Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sunday and Monday

Sunday was a very hard day for mom. They started her on Cipro for the UTI
and she had stomach troubles almost right away. They gave her that with 16
other pills at one time. I told her I would be throwing up too! Than they added
phenergan so she was mostly out of it. Again she wanted to die and it broke my heart
I saw failure to thrive in front of me. Our elderely deserve so much more!

I am very concerned by all these pills.
How can one tell if she is slipping mentally or is it the meds…..I asked for a
List of what she is taking and so far they have not done so. I feel today is D-day
for that.

The reason is yesterday I called in because we were having snow. How I
loved that! She said they had added another pill but she did not know why
and said it had something to do about her nose. I headed right in and they
said she was bringing up phlegm and so started her on Flonase. I know that is good
but she never had a problem and I think one more med is just too much.

Mom was better yesterday afternoon but for some reason they have a speech therapist
Coming in….why? She wants mom to journal. Now that would be fine too but she does
Not remember what happened 5 minutes before. Her writing is awful and she is shaking.
I am having a problem with this…..to me it seems they are trying to get all they can for

She took some steps with the walker in therapy and they were pleased. But as soon as
She gets back she is taking pills and than cannot stay awake long. Last night she was
exhausted and so when she closed her eyes she would talk to dad or about the farm.
At one point she wanted Donna Jean (me and what she called me as a child) to stop
Daddy from making popcorn because she just does not want it…. so I tell her to open
Her eyes and she seems to slowly come back to the now. I chatted with her nurse and shed for
The protein and iron levels and she could not find them. That upset me but I stayed cool.
I want to get all of these things and post them in hopes someone can tell me if any interact.
The nurse asked me if she had peanut butter in her room and I said yes and so I was asked
To go and get in out because of the scare with peanut butter.. I did and mom was watching “South Park”. I
Said “Mom I thought you wanted CNN’, she looked at me and said, “this is and it is a new show.”
I took the channel changer and put it on CNN and she was pleased. I kissed her good night again
And said a prayer.

***The nurses will give me the list of meds. I really need to see what it all is.
***She will eat…she still is just eating a few bites.
***Therapy will move forward.
***She will regain strength. She still is so weak.

***I saw snow!
***I saw some fire in mom’s eyes when she was mad at the speech therapist. That is fight I saw.
***Prayers of all our loved ones and friends.***Cards that cheer her up so much. Keep them coming.

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