Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Better Update

Thanks for all the prayers. You know prayer changes things.

This morning John and I ran errands and got some things set up.
Than I stayed with mom and John returned to our room. She had been
Exhausted and so was very confused this afternoon. I noticed it was only
When she closed her eyes. When she asked for dad I told her to open her eyes and look at me,
When she did she seemed to come back to what was real. This happened about 7 times
In the hour but finally she fell into a more relaxed sleep.

This evening she was alert when we got there. She had company and so was very stimulated.
Nicole called me and I handed the phone to mom and it was a good talk and she was clear.
But when she closed her eyes she knew Zoe was in the hall and wanted me to get her. Than Aunt Rachel
Called and she again became alert and chatted. But said that had exhausted her. So we sat and she
Went in and out. At one point they were playing Rook in the hall and daddy was being too loud. So I had her
Open her eyes and she focused a bit but not the whole way….I decided it was time to tuck her in and checked
Her leg and again the nurses had not put the thing between her knees to keep the one “fixed” to keep from
Turning in. The therapists and doctor are most anxious for the Thursday morning appointment with the surgeon.
They feel the pins may not be holding. They also told me the bone was shattered not fractured. I hope that is not the case. The therapist told me to have the nurses
Put the thing where it needs to go so that they get used to doing it. So I went and talked with them. She is to get
A protein shake before bed and they had forgotten that too. So I asked them to please go and get her one.
I believe the shakes are making a difference. I praise God for the good times we had today.

This morning I opened my devotional book called “Share my Pleasant Stones’ by Euginia Price and was blessed.
Let me share a bit with you…

The verse was Song of Solomon 2:4
“He brought me to the banqueting house, and His banner over me was love”.
This verse is kind of deep she suggests.
“Perhaps you’ve forgotten with the passing of years, what it was like the day the Lord first “brought” (you) to the
Banqueting house. Perhaps you’ve forgotten that for the first time in your life you were satisfied after you had eaten
the bread He gave you there.”

That says to me that I took that Bread of Life in an eager way and I drank of the Water of Life was my thirst is quenched.
I believe my heart sang, as Eugenia suggests, “His banner over me is love.” I also was willing to do anything the Lord asked me to do
And believed because He said it than that settled it and I accepted it. But it seems we all go through a time when we pull
Away from Jesus. I think we somehow think we become so smart and so busy we do not think we need to spend time in His Word
And we do not stop to pray like we did. I sure have had these times and than a test comes and I call “Jesus 911” and expect
Him to clean up my messes. When we kept nana I was almost homebound and I began to do my gratitude journal just to make it
Through the day. I learned I needed to be in His Word daily and I needed to stop reading all the “how to” books and ask the Lord
How to handle the day before me. I saw that He made me and He knew just what I needed to do and all I had to do was ask him
And than wait before Him for the answer. I do not mean He spoke in a loud voice to me but it was the still small voice I knew….HIS.
You see God made me and in reality He knew what the correct answer was. Self help books are OK but we can never replace the
Bible for a man’s idea. There is no formula that works for all of us because He made us all different.

Today this verse brought me back to my quiet time with the Lord. I had been so stressed that I allowed my emotions to guide
Me through the day. So before we went out I spent time with the Lord. The errands fell in place, the visit went well with mom and it was the
Lord that laid it on my heart to have her open her eyes and bring her out of wherever she was. I came home and took my first good nap.
John cooked and I ate a great meal and was ready to see mom again. Tonight I am rejoicing for the healing that we will see with mom. She is in His
Hands. I will rest more so I can deal with her in a way that does not kill me. Yes, I know there still are bad days but I also know
“His banner over me is love!”

For less pain for mom and that that leg will stop jerking.
That she may allow us to get protein in her so she will become stronger.
That she may heal.
That they can fix what is happening in that knee and hip so she can walk again.
For a job for John
Patience for me to just ride this storm out.

Praise God:
For the better minutes she had today.
For the cards that come that she has me read to her several times a day.
Thanks Lorraine for the picture…she has it propped up by her bed.
And also for the “BIG love” from you to us.

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