Friday, March 13, 2009

Mom is in the Hospital Again

Mom did not know John and myself this morning and so I took her to the doctor she used to go to......the UTI was terrible and so they gave her a shot......but she got worse and as the doctor was coming back into th room she stated yelling about the rats under my chair....she would not follow and directions and so they sent us to the hospital....

She was put on IV's.....her blood pressure was high.....they looked at the meds and gulped....they said she should have never should have been released.....they called in an internal med doctor and she said mom sounds like pneumonia and I told the rehab she was coming down with that.....she was on meds that made her they are going to do a sleep study because she has been aspiring in her sleep and I was told the heart values are not working right....they are concerned about the years of constipation......she is mal-nourished and really bad.....there was a list of 15 things she wants to deal with. I really liked her and she listened to all we said. Told us we are doing a great job and wanted us to know she will do all she can.

I am so worn day started at 5 with her yelling about dad and she thought she was chasing him....that will get your heart racing when you are sleeping good....we had the baby monitor on all night.....My back is hurting from trying to hold her up and my mind is simply burned out.....So say prayers for us and when I know more I will post......

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