This is a 2-day update again. Yesterday I was upset and worn out I simply could not write.
Mom was so tired yesterday she could not hold her head up. She did not eat nor drink her
Protein shakes. No matter what I tried she would not even try to eat. The think she may have a UTI
And so were ‘going to get around to taking urine”. I informed them they needed to do it now as
mom can have a hard time with infections. I think these folks are not used to having a daughter there
most of the day. So many seem to get no visits. I asked if they would please measure her
intake and output but they would not agree to that at all. So I will have to be there at meals and see
and keep asking. In her defense I would not eat most of what they bring. Yesterday it was a slice of ham that
was dried out, a heap of thickened squash, plain noodles, and room temp ice tea and juice.
She ate a bite of each of them and quit and would not drink the protein shake either. They picked up
The tray and told her she did good….Mom looked at me and told me see, I don’t have to eat. I was not
A happy camper.
Last night she ate 3 bites of a chicken salad sandwich, ¼ of a red beet egg and that was it and again she refused to
Drink the shake. She could not stay awake and talked out of her head as soon as she closed her eyes. I tucked
Her in and came home very sad.
This morning we were at the surgeon’s office at 9AM. No mom. I finally went in and asked and they said they
were running an hour late. The office was not very happy about it. So we had to be worked in when she did come.
She was brighter this morning at first but than faded fast. The “shattered” hip as he put it is healing slowly but he
Is pleased. The problem is with the muscle. He had to cut across several to set the one pin and so the pain and
Twitching comes from that. He took her off the muscle relaxers for 2 reasons. He said she will be sure to fall again
with the side effects of those at her age and secondly he wants the muscles to relax on their own. She can have an
extra pain pill when she will be in bed for 4 hours. But when he told he we could not move her for 4 weeks she cried like
a baby. She wants out of that place. She does not want to do therapy and she wanted to go and be with dad. He is a
young and compassionate man and just held her for a minute and patted her. That quieted her down. But she did not
know if she would try. That she told him she wants to stay in Virginia and we want to go back home and take her
and she asked him if he had work and an apartment or house for us. They she cried all over…..what pressure
on John on myself…..we are a bit stressed about this. What do we do? Where do we begin? Please pray
for us. I am stressed for John.
I brought John back to the hotel and went to help her settle back in. The nurse thought maybe I would have
Taken a day off….no way. She got lunch and it was spaghetti with just a bit of sauce mixed in, corn, oatmeal bread
With garlic spread on it and peach something….again she would not eat. I went for the other nurse and she came back
In and listened to what I was concerned about and she said it was right. I am the only advocate for my mom. She told her
She must take the shakes and got her a strawberry one and we coaxed her to drink it. I sat with her 2 hours and she
Begged me to stay in Virginia. I came home and crashed. John took me for a “between” meal at Golden Corral and
It was the first really good meal we ate out.
At 5 I headed back and her surgeon called….he asked me to go to the store and suggested several things. He said he
Was very concerned she will not heal if she keeps this up. I am to sneak a picture of a meal and send it to him. He says
He is trying to come up with a program for rehabs to use in food for patients as old as mom that will help them heal. Amen
To that! So I got her chocolate covered raisins with dark chocolate like he suggested, rice cakes (small ones), a bit of
Fresh fruit, tapioca pudding in single servings and Andes mints. He says the sweets may kick her into an appetite.
I asked her what peanut butter she wanted and told her he suggested when she did not like a meat that she ask for a good
Wheat bread and spread peanut butter on it and add some chocolate covered raisins on it or slices of banana. She
Wants Jiffy and was excited about that. She ate one small handful of chocolate covered raisins and asked for more.
She had several rice cakes with apple cinnamon and had a mint. The nurse I love came in and was so proud of her!
So they both had a mint…she said I hit the nail on the head and I told her the surgeon called me this evening and
Suggested these things when I told him what mom does like. Tomorrow he is calling the dietician and asking her to
See mom. They had promise 3 days ago to do that. Supper was nasty and so I went to Park Gables and bought
loaded potato soup that they were served tonight and mom was happy and ate it all. She was wore out when I left.
She dreads tomorrow because the hip therapy begins 3 times a day. She is not happy about that at all. He is also
Calling them tomorrow.
Today was basically a good day with her. We got a big cut in the rate for a month more and so this will be home. I
Miss home and the kids….I am so alone her. So I am having a hard time with this but she made me promise we will
Not leave her here alone. That we did promise. She did suggest we may want to come to Pa. for 2 days while we are this
Close. I think we would like to do that. I long to do that.
***Mom will adjust to working more with therapy. This afternoon the nurse told me she told them what was wrong with
Them to make an almost 87-year-old woman do anything she did not want to do. They left her in bed. That will not work!
***She will eat better because she cannot heal unless her protein and iron levels go up.
***She will be willing to do what is best for all of us.
***That I may not stress. John needs to work and all this time scares me.
***That we will be on top of what she needs and help her get it.
***Contentment for all of us.
Mom was so tired yesterday she could not hold her head up. She did not eat nor drink her
Protein shakes. No matter what I tried she would not even try to eat. The think she may have a UTI
And so were ‘going to get around to taking urine”. I informed them they needed to do it now as
mom can have a hard time with infections. I think these folks are not used to having a daughter there
most of the day. So many seem to get no visits. I asked if they would please measure her
intake and output but they would not agree to that at all. So I will have to be there at meals and see
and keep asking. In her defense I would not eat most of what they bring. Yesterday it was a slice of ham that
was dried out, a heap of thickened squash, plain noodles, and room temp ice tea and juice.
She ate a bite of each of them and quit and would not drink the protein shake either. They picked up
The tray and told her she did good….Mom looked at me and told me see, I don’t have to eat. I was not
A happy camper.
Last night she ate 3 bites of a chicken salad sandwich, ¼ of a red beet egg and that was it and again she refused to
Drink the shake. She could not stay awake and talked out of her head as soon as she closed her eyes. I tucked
Her in and came home very sad.
This morning we were at the surgeon’s office at 9AM. No mom. I finally went in and asked and they said they
were running an hour late. The office was not very happy about it. So we had to be worked in when she did come.
She was brighter this morning at first but than faded fast. The “shattered” hip as he put it is healing slowly but he
Is pleased. The problem is with the muscle. He had to cut across several to set the one pin and so the pain and
Twitching comes from that. He took her off the muscle relaxers for 2 reasons. He said she will be sure to fall again
with the side effects of those at her age and secondly he wants the muscles to relax on their own. She can have an
extra pain pill when she will be in bed for 4 hours. But when he told he we could not move her for 4 weeks she cried like
a baby. She wants out of that place. She does not want to do therapy and she wanted to go and be with dad. He is a
young and compassionate man and just held her for a minute and patted her. That quieted her down. But she did not
know if she would try. That she told him she wants to stay in Virginia and we want to go back home and take her
and she asked him if he had work and an apartment or house for us. They she cried all over…..what pressure
on John on myself…..we are a bit stressed about this. What do we do? Where do we begin? Please pray
for us. I am stressed for John.
I brought John back to the hotel and went to help her settle back in. The nurse thought maybe I would have
Taken a day off….no way. She got lunch and it was spaghetti with just a bit of sauce mixed in, corn, oatmeal bread
With garlic spread on it and peach something….again she would not eat. I went for the other nurse and she came back
In and listened to what I was concerned about and she said it was right. I am the only advocate for my mom. She told her
She must take the shakes and got her a strawberry one and we coaxed her to drink it. I sat with her 2 hours and she
Begged me to stay in Virginia. I came home and crashed. John took me for a “between” meal at Golden Corral and
It was the first really good meal we ate out.
At 5 I headed back and her surgeon called….he asked me to go to the store and suggested several things. He said he
Was very concerned she will not heal if she keeps this up. I am to sneak a picture of a meal and send it to him. He says
He is trying to come up with a program for rehabs to use in food for patients as old as mom that will help them heal. Amen
To that! So I got her chocolate covered raisins with dark chocolate like he suggested, rice cakes (small ones), a bit of
Fresh fruit, tapioca pudding in single servings and Andes mints. He says the sweets may kick her into an appetite.
I asked her what peanut butter she wanted and told her he suggested when she did not like a meat that she ask for a good
Wheat bread and spread peanut butter on it and add some chocolate covered raisins on it or slices of banana. She
Wants Jiffy and was excited about that. She ate one small handful of chocolate covered raisins and asked for more.
She had several rice cakes with apple cinnamon and had a mint. The nurse I love came in and was so proud of her!
So they both had a mint…she said I hit the nail on the head and I told her the surgeon called me this evening and
Suggested these things when I told him what mom does like. Tomorrow he is calling the dietician and asking her to
See mom. They had promise 3 days ago to do that. Supper was nasty and so I went to Park Gables and bought
loaded potato soup that they were served tonight and mom was happy and ate it all. She was wore out when I left.
She dreads tomorrow because the hip therapy begins 3 times a day. She is not happy about that at all. He is also
Calling them tomorrow.
Today was basically a good day with her. We got a big cut in the rate for a month more and so this will be home. I
Miss home and the kids….I am so alone her. So I am having a hard time with this but she made me promise we will
Not leave her here alone. That we did promise. She did suggest we may want to come to Pa. for 2 days while we are this
Close. I think we would like to do that. I long to do that.
***Mom will adjust to working more with therapy. This afternoon the nurse told me she told them what was wrong with
Them to make an almost 87-year-old woman do anything she did not want to do. They left her in bed. That will not work!
***She will eat better because she cannot heal unless her protein and iron levels go up.
***She will be willing to do what is best for all of us.
***That I may not stress. John needs to work and all this time scares me.
***That we will be on top of what she needs and help her get it.
***Contentment for all of us.
She is healing and we are spending more time together now than we ever have.
She has told me she loves me and for many years I did not hear that from her….just dad. I rejoiceThat I hear these precious words.
She has told me she loves me and for many years I did not hear that from her….just dad. I rejoiceThat I hear these precious words.
Keep up on them at the home, I went thru a very similar situation - in fact I took my mom shakes and snacks in -- she prefered that over the food they were serving. The best you can do is keep on them, I had to do the same. You know the saying the squeaky wheel gets the oil, it is very true in these situations.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work.
Take care
Dear Donna - I have not been on much but saw a link on your stitching blog and came over. We will add you to our prayer list. Blessings.
ReplyDeleteJanell - Tennessee