Come, see the north-wind's masonry, Out of an unseen quarry evermore Furnished with tile, the fierce artificer Curves his white bastions with projected roof Round every windward stake, or tree, or door. Speeding, the myriad-handed, his wild work So fanciful, so savage, naught cares he For number or proportion.
I watched the beauty around us unfold and I was reminded of how the beautiful white covers the dirty spots and transforms them into beauty. God does that for us. He takes the mess of our lives and makes them pure and white.
As for mom...she is doing OK some days and slipping the next. As I told the nurse I am never sure which one I will see in the morning nor do I know which one will be there when I take her night pills and tuck her in. I know she is lonely and gets no visitors. It has been at least 3 months since anyone was here she knew. The boys do go back from time to time as well as their mother and that is good....we did get her out to a birthday tea for the oldest boy I home school. But she went right back into her safe little world. Her appetite is getting less and less except for her snacks....Uncle Bobby's made her day with a package of chocolates, Pa. Dutch Bologna and books to read. Than a friend of mine sent her some more books, socks and good smelling soap. These packages are very special to mom and let her know she is still loved. She needs that. I am reminded that her days are numbered and I try to enjoy the good times we have.
I think we had around 20 inches of snow and these pictures taken from inside the house tell the story.